Joey Shapiro

Joey Shapiro

Joey Shapiro has been playing ultimate for 14 years, first learning to play at Princeton University. After playing on Clockwork Orange from 2000-2003, he played for the Chicago open teams Stonecutters and the Aldermen, Weapons of Mass Destruction (mixed) and New Noise...
Erin Curme Jacobs

Erin Curme Jacobs

Erin Curme, representing half of the dynamic Curme-sibling-duo with brother Dan Curme, is a seasoned UP coach and hopes to return to camp every single summer for the rest of forever. Her favorite parts of camp are dance parties, mealtime cheers, slip-n-slide, and...

Phoebe Shambaugh

First introduced to ultimate at a sleep-away camp, I quickly found the local pickup game downtown and started learning throws. Moving from Vermont to study history and the Middle East at the University of Chicago, I discovered the ultimate team and never looked back....