Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy

Brian began playing ultimate in the 1970’s and, now in his mid-60’s, he has played more or less continuously ever since. Brian has played, coached and organized ultimate at every level, from local youth leagues to world championships. As an attorney, he...
Jason Seidler

Jason Seidler

I started playing Ultimate at U.C. Santa Barbara in 1992 and still play. David invited me to play on the Matza Balls team in 1999, and I’ve been helping with the Ultimate Peace website and hosting since its founding. I co-founded the Jade Orchard Internet Marketing...
Debbie Greiff

Debbie Greiff

Debbie Greiff has dedicated herself to helping solve big social problems with practical approaches. By nature and training, she is a boundary-spanner and connector between people, ideas, sectors and systems to improve the lives of youth and families in low-income...