In my freshman year of high school, I fell in love with ultimate, and have been ever since. Its quick movement, high flying plays, and emphasis on respect and integrity makes it the sport for me. As co-captain of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase HS ultimate team, I helped lead our team to three straight state championships. Since then, I have competed with the DC YCC team, Foggy Bottom Boys, and the regional level club team, Watchdogs. I’m currently a Spidermonkey – 2017 DIII National Champions – at the University of Richmond.
I wanted to spread the sport and its values to others, so during the summer of 2014, I conceived, planned, and organized an ultimate introductory camp for third through sixth grade low income youth. Throughout camp I taught kids how to play ultimate, have healthy dialogue with their peers, and appreciate the value of teamwork and sportsmanship.
In 2015 and 2016, I helped coordinate the DC portion of the UP Friendship Tour. These tours helped build unbreakable cross-cultural relationships and allowed me to experience first hand the magic of UP. I am excited to continue to spread the values of ultimate and make meaningful connections as a coach at UP’s camp this summer!